Located at the Center for Spiritual Awakening in Pacific Grove.
I've been moving my home office into a space near Downtown Pacific Grove & Lover's Point. The first time in 4 years, an office space opened up between the MindShop spiritual bookstore and the Center for Spiritual Awakening. The address is symbolic of the offering to our community. 522 Central & Fountain Avenues...In Numerology 522 adds to the sacred number 9. The ancient Greeks called the number 9, "The Horizon" as it's unsurpassable, and represents the uppermost limit of what can be discovered, and expressed inside of our human experience. And at the curved convergence of Center & Fountain Avenues is where Emerge is located. This represents the point, or Center where all things Emerge- our Hearts. How can we return to our Heart-Center during these stressful, chaotic yet revolutionary times? There is an untapped Fountain of high-vibrational healing pouring in from the Cosmos and activating our internal healing abilities. We heal in community, and first we need to connect deeper to this inborn ability by shifting our nervous systems from constrictive "Fight or Flight" overdrive to expansive "Rest, Digest, Heal". As a holistic Chiropractor, Yoga Teacher, somatic coach, and Spinal & Sonic Alchemist, I've supported thousands of people through their healing journeys. "This is the real Spiritual Awakening, when something EMERGES from within you that is deeper than who you thought you were." ~Eckhart Tolle